Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dessert - Bubur Cha Cha

On the 15th day of the first lunar month, I know some of the Hokkien people in Penang will cook ‘Bubur Cha Cha’ (Sweet potato and yam/taro soup) for the festival. I don’t know what the meaning is, but I know bubur cha cha is a popular Nyonya dessert.

Ingredients – Makes 6 servings

  • 7 oz (200 gm) sweet red potato
  • 7 oz (200 gm) sweet yellow potato
  • 7 oz (200 gm) yam/taro
  • 4 pandan (screwpine) leaves, wash and tie them in a knot
  • 3 cups water
  • 4 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 cup coconut milk with a pinch salt


  1. Peel the sweet potatoes and yam/taro, and cut into bite-size cubes. Steam the cubes for about 15 mins or until cooked.
  2. Add the water, sugar and pandan leaves, and bring to a boil. Add the cooked sweet potatoes and yam/taro, when it boils again, then add coconut milk and stir well. Turn off the heat before it comes to a boil - don’t boil coconut milk.
  3. Remove pandan leaves before serving. Bubur cha cha can be served warm or cold. If serving it cold, chill the cooked bubur cha cha and add some shaved or crushed ice.

我知道有些槟城福建人会在正月十五元宵佳节煮Bubur Cha Cha(音译: 摩摩查查,即椰浆番薯芋头糖水),我不知道其意义,只知道bubur cha chaNyonya其中一著名的甜品。

材料 - 可做6人份量

  • 7安士(200克)红番薯
  • 7安士(200克)黄番薯
  • 7安士(200克)芋头
  • 4 班兰叶,折捆打结
  • 4汤匙
  • 3
  • 1 浓椰浆,放少许盐


  1. 番薯和芋头削皮切块,放进蒸锅15分钟或至番薯已熟软。
  2. 水、糖和班兰叶放进锅煮沸,放入熟番薯和芋头再煮沸,然后倒入浓椰浆,搅拌均匀,在未煮沸前即可熄火,椰浆不宜煮沸。
  3. 食用前先弃掉班兰叶。

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